Saturday, January 26, 2013

Finger Lickin Good Ya'll

Leaning over the stove and dipping a perfectly browned chicken thigh through oily and salty pan remains. Sucking on bones, ripping off meat, and licking my fingers. It was a truly rockin' Friday night.

 Truth is, I have been in a cooking rut lately. There have been small bursts of food inspiration over the past 4 months: homemade Pho and the accompanying excitement of soup condiments, waffle praise by my daughter, and Food Network inspired cran-choc cookies.

But the reality is that the mom and full time job combo have usurped my zest for cooking and I want it back.

 So, I am re-reading Julia Child's "My Life in France" (how many wonderful details I missed the first time 'round!), I scour Pinterest for "pin-spiration", and consult with an imaginary friend (who looks like Marcus Samuelson) to find out which condiments go well with meat and fish.

Really,  I very well know that wonderful food does not have to take hours to prepare. So Friday was when I remarried convenience with the culinary, and allowed myself to think outside of the box, while avoiding  a prepackaged meal from one.

A seven dollar jumbo pack of chicken thighs were grabbed during an impromptu Whole Foods trip and into the fridge they went. The cooking began during the evening hours, when my daughter was snuggled up with dad and her milk bottle. The rest of the story generally goes like this:

1910 Thighs into hot pan and upstairs for family time.
1930 Smells of chicken wafting- a good time for a status check. Thighs flipped and seasoning sprinkled (forgot to season beforehand, no time like any). Laundry folding time upstairs.
1940 Thigh check. Nicely browned. Check. 1/2 bottle of beer into pan,  put on lid, moist heat takes over.
1945 Failed attempt to put child to bed. Dad takes her, and i take cilantro, ginger, garlic, lime, salt, and oil and put in a mini processor. top chicken with the sauce, and lick fingers a lot.
1950 We eat, she plays, she goes to sleep, and we eat some more.

 True, I didn't get to savor the sizzles and smells as the chicken cooked,  but I did get my snuggle time in, as I leaned over that pan, savoring flavor and meat and salt, feeling like i made something good.

Here's a recipe-ish. I was not exact about this at all. That's why thighs are great.

3 TBS oil
9 bone in chicken thighs (skinless or skin on, your pref)
salt and pepper
season blend that's been in the cabinet way too long (i used jerk)
1/2 bottle of beer, any kind
Over medium heat, heat oil in large skillet. Season chicken with salt, pepper, and seasoning, and add chicken to pan. allow to cook 20 min uncovered or until golden brown. Cook 10 more minutes on other side or until golden brown. Add 1/2 a bottle of beer allow alcohol to cook off then cover 15 more minutes. Meanwhile, make sauce.

1 bunch cilantro
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 inch piece ginger juice
1 lime
4 TBS olive oil (an estimate)

Spread sauce on each piece of chicken and enjoy.